State of Florida v. Sarah P.
Practice Area:
Criminal Defense – Shoplifting
Charge Dropped
Client was arrested @ “Kohl’s” in Plantation, Florida for shoplifting (Petit Theft) in violation of Florida Statutes section 812.014. WE successfully negotiated client’s entry into a first offender diversion program and the case was subsequently dropped.
State of Florida v. Martine M.
Practice Area:
Criminal Defense – Shoplifting
Charge Dropped
Client was arrested for shoplifting (petit theft) at “J.C. Penny’s” at the Broward Mall in Plantation, Florida. Client was prosecuted under Florida Statutes section 812.014. We successfully negotiated client’s entry into a first-offender diversion program and the charge was ultimately dropped.
State of Florida v. Ryan D.
Practice Area:
Criminal Defense – DUI and DWI
Mandatory Jail Time Avoided
Client was arrested in Lighthouse Point, Florida for Driving Under the Influence (316.193). Client’s breath test reading was well above the legal limit. Client had multiple prior DUI convictions on his record. The case was ultimately resolved with probation and counseling and client was able to avoid what should have been mandatory jail time.
State of Florida v. Roy M.
Practice Area:
Criminal Defense – Suspended License
Charge Reduced/Dropped
Client was pulled over for speeding (94mph in a 70mpz zone) by Florida Highway Patrol. Client was found to have had a suspended license but alleged that he was unaware. Trooper issued citation for driving while license suspended with knowledge (322.34(1) and speeding (316.187(2)(a)). Charge of Driving While License Suspended with Knowledge was REDUCED to a non-criminal infraction and the speeding charge was dismissed.
State of Florida v. Michael B.
Practice Area:
Criminal Defense – Drug Possession
Charge Dropped
Client was pulled over by Hollywood Police and the officer detected an odor of cannabis (marijuana). A glass pipe was later observed by the officer in plain view and client was cited for Possession of Drug Paraphernalia pursuant to Florida Statutes section 893.147(1).
State of Florida v. Stephanie A.
Practice Area:
Criminal Defense – Shoplifting
Charge Dropped
Client was arrested @ “Walmart” in Coconut Creek, FL for shoplifting (petit theft) and was subsequently prosecuted and alleged to have been in violation of Florida State Statutes section 812.014(3)(a). We successfully negotiated client’s entry into a first offender diversion program and the charge was ultimately dropped.
State of Florida v. I.Z.
Practice Area:
Criminal Defense – Broward
Case Dropped
Client was arrested in Sunrise, Florida @ “Neiman Marcus” for Grand Theft (third degree felony) pursuant to Florida Statues section 812.014(2)(c). We were successful in negotiating client’s entry into a first offender diversion and his charges were ultimately dropped.
State v. N.M.
Practice Area:
Criminal Defense – Broward
Charges Dropped
Client was pulled over by the Florida Highway Patrol in Broward County and was subsequently arrested for Possession of Cannabis (marijuana) and Tampering with Evidence (Felony). Both charges were ultimately dropped.
State of Florida v. B.S.
Practice Area:
Traffic Criminal Defense – Broward
Case Dismissed
Client had a business purposes only (hardship) license as a result of a DUI. Client was pulled over in Davie on Christmas Day and was cited for Failure to Obey Driver’s License Restrictions. We successfully argued that client was driving within his restriction (attending a religion function at a family member’s home) and the case was ultimately dismissed.
State of Florida v. M.D.
Practice Area:
Criminal Defense – Broward
Charge Dismissed
Client was stopped by Coral Springs Police for riding a bicycle without a light. Client originally refused to identify himself but eventually gave the officer his name. Client was arrested for False Identification Given to a Police Officer- Florida State statute 901.36(1).