Port St. Lucie Assault Between Teens Lands Parents in Jail

A Port St. Lucie assault between two teen girls has landed one of the girl’s parents in jail.
Our Port St. Lucie defense attorneys understand that police claim the altercation was encouraged by the parents. They have been arrested on both felony and misdemeanor charges, though media reports have not indicated exactly what those charges are.
According to FL Statute 548.0065). That’s considered a second-degree misdemeanor.
And in Nevada recently, three mothers were arrested after investigators say they encouraged their children to fight – an incident that resulted in an all-out brawl that involved about 80 young people. In that case, they were charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor.
That’s likely at least one of the charges that the parents face in the Port St. Lucie assault case.
Laws and penalties in every state are different, but in Florida, contributing to the delinquency of a minor (Port St. Lucie couple charged after encouraging daughter to fight another teen, By Will Greenlee, The Palm Beach Post
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